Saturday, August 24, 2002

More Second Thoughts


We are still sailing close-hauled, but the wind is down to 15-18 knots and the seas are considerably more moderate.  This morning we re-rigged the radar reflector, and shook one reef out of the mainsail, so now we have one reef instead of two.  We also wrapped the jib furling line around the drum a couple of times, as it had tightened up with the high winds.  This required taking the furling line out of all the fairleads and running it around the drum, which was a real pain in the ass.

I have been having some second thoughts about continuing through the Southern Ocean.  I am not sure I can stand up to the rigors of sailing in the Southern Ocean for so long.  I am having enough trouble just in the South Atlantic.  I keep going back and forth on this.  This trip does seem like it is taking a large chunk out of my life, and it is hard to make this big commitment.  I haven’t spoken to anyone else about this yet.

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