Wednesday, August 14, 2002

On the Seas Once Again


    Things are going very smoothly so far.  We have a nice consistent 12-15 knot wind from SouthEast, and very moderate seas, almost perfect sailing conditions.  The current has been going against us a little, but that effect has been decreasing.  We set a waypoint for 23 degrees S, 32 degrees W, at which time we will think about working our way east.  Our eventual goal (Cape Town) is 35 degrees S, 15 degrees E.  We gave the wife of the South African, Robin, 30 Reals to make four loaves of bread for us before we left, and they are quite good. 

    The Perseid meteor shower was supposed to be peaking last night, but I did not see more than two or three falling stars during my watch, which is about average.  I have seen other nights that have been much more active with regards to shooting stars.  It is one of the things that makes night watches bearable.  Now that I am getting into the southern hemisphere I am looking for new constellations.  I only know of the Southern Cross and the Magellanic Clouds.  I am not sure where I am supposed to see them and what they look like.  I think the Magellanic Clouds don’t show up until further south, but I am keeping my eyes out for them.

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