Thursday, July 11, 2002

Back on the Ocean


    The wind has once again fizzled out, and we are finding ourselves motoring again.  We tried to hold out as long as possible, but the little wind that was left started pushing us to the south, 40 degrees off course, so we just turned on the engine.  We saw another sailboat this afternoon, going the other direction.  Other than that it has been pretty uneventful.  This morning we replaced the reef point lines that hold the bunched up sail when it is reefed.  The previous lines were too heavy, and the bowline loops we tied in the ends kept working loose so that the loop disappeared.  I tied loops in all the new lines first so we could make sure they are good and tight, then we just needed to take out the old line, thread the new ones in, and tie figure eight knots on the other side.  This went pretty smoothly.

    I’ve been feeling a bit queasy today, and have had a headache all last night and today.  I have been taking Tylenol, and it seems to be better.  In Horta, I bought some Stugeron on the advice of Max Fletcher’s wife (Lynnie Bruce).  This is a very effective seasickness medication that is not available in the US.  One good thing about it is that you can take it after you start to feel sick, and as long as you can keep it down it will relieve the symptoms.  I haven’t taken any yet.  I am waiting for worse weather.  Unfortunately the directions are all in Portuguese so I have to guess at the dosage.

    Eric finished a rum bottle today, and I wrote a note to place in it to throw overboard.  I gave my address in the note, so we’ll see if anything ever comes.

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