Saturday, August 31, 2002

Happy Anniversary by Satellite


    The run only lasted a couple of hours yesterday.   The winds were light and the waves were rocking the boat back and forth faster than the wind, which was beating the hell out of the mainsail.  We went back on a reach and have been there since.  Overnight the wind picked up to 12-15 knots and this morning it was starting to push 20, so we tied two reefs in the main.  We are going great now, averaging 6.5 knots and gently rocking side to side.  If we can only keep this up (HA!).

    Today is Sue and my anniversary, and I called her on the Iridium phone this morning.  The Iridium phone is the greatest thing.  To be able to make a phone call from a boat in the middle of the South Atlantic certainly takes away a lot of feelings of isolation and fear.

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